This week in "behind the scenes of building a biotech company", it's IP protection, manufacturing and marketing! And - of course - a lot of cell culture. Scientists, don’t believe anyone who tells you starting a company is glamorous 🙃
Here’s the fun part of building a company ➡ You'll work across all areas of the business as you build the version 1 of all major processes. Here’s the reality of starting a company ➡ Initially, those self-developed V1 processes won’t be all that great. Where we’ve needed to upskill over the last month: 1️⃣ Forming a well-researched opinion on intellectual property strategy 2️⃣ Website design, company branding, and sales 3️⃣ Manufacturing, supply chain, and distribution strategy for scale and geographies 4️⃣ Financials big and small: from stress-testing our funding strategy to improving our accounting Where I’m confident: ✅ The science behind the product: As we would hope, given how long I’ve been a scientist! ✅ The market: Arguably the most important area to nail as an entrepreneur. ✅ Hiring, growing, and leading a technical team: It’s critical to make the right hires at the right time. I’ve done enough of this previously to be confident we’ll do a great job. ✅ Our ability to figure it out: Look, I’m naturally a little bit skeptical and a realist, probably “too much of a scientist” and not quite the ambitious, overly confident entrepreneur that plenty would argue I need to be in order to launch a company of this magnitude. But we’ve built a laboratory, made the necessary technical progress, spoken with hundreds of potential customers, built V1 pipelines in all the critical areas, and have done so on a shoestring budget. This time last year, all of those goals felt insane. Turns out that Katie-one-year-ago was capable of more than she thought she was. So manufacturing and scale-up strategy, let’s bring it on.
What's been happening?Sharing the Media City journey is important to us because we want to encourage the next generation of scientists to establish companies that will advance scientific research. Check back regularly for the "building in public" updates on what it looks like to establish a scientific company. Archives
January 2025
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